Iurisdictio is a scientific digital journal of area 12 – Juridical Sciences. The project, that takes life from historians of law actively involved from several years in topics about History of Justice, aims to activate a focus about the connection between ius conditum and the Jurisprudence of Courts and Tribunals in order to identify, in a diachronic and synchronic dimension, criticalities and virtuosities of judicial systems and case-law trends, and place them on a wide problematic background, also with the ambition of provide issues in a de iure condendo perspective. It’s our conviction that history of law can and must look at the judicial moment in order to better interpret the past and understand the present, and decline itself as history of justice as well as history of legal ideas and of legislation tout court, that are till the present day the largely prevailing perspectives. For this reason, the journal aims to open itself to the world of jurisdiction, inviting to collaborate also judges and lawyers.
The journal, published by Editoriale Scientifica of Naples, has annual frequency and is opened to papers of various subjects that are always pertinent to the jurisdiction topic and its connection with the context in which is called to work. Under a structural plan, Iurisdictio has a section dedicated to essays, submitted to double-blind peer review, and a section dedicated to the events of judicial life, also with readings of various age decisions.
Orazio Abbamonte – Francesco Eriberto d’Ippolito – Francesco Mastroberti – Giacomo Pace Gravina
Number 5/2024
- Filomena D’Alto
Una decisione di separazione per eccessi nell’italia liberale
del: 1 lug 2024 - Vito Gassi
Ordenamientos jurídicos religiosos y objetivos de desarrollo sostenible
del: 1 lug 2024 - Erika Prado Rubio
Exploring the historical-legalevolution of the role of nationalityin the european union
del: 12 Lug 2024 - Mario Riberi
Due «gioielli dell’eloquenza del foro» di Pasquale Stanislao Mancini, avvocato penalista
del: 4 Set 2024 -
Stefano Vinci
«Dalla ragione alla follia, e dalla follia alla ragione». L’infermità di mente e la giustizia penale in italia alla fine del XIX secolo
del: 22 Ott 2024 - Cristina Ciancio
Codificare il diritto commerciale. Modelli europei e soluzioni originali nell’esperienza italiana (xix-xx sec.) codifying commercial law. European models and original solutions in the italian experience (19th-20th centuries) editoriale
25 Nov 2024
Judicial life
- Vincenzo Sanasi d’Arpe
Intelligenza artificiale: le questioni della soggettività giuridica, della responsabilità e dell’imputazione delle condotte
del: 16 Ott 2024 - Clara Mariconda
New economy e responsabilità sociale d’impresa: modelli normativi in chiave comparatistica
del: 16 Ott 2024